Monthly Archives: April 2010


Testing out tumblriod light, looks good so far. Still trying to find a way to upload mobile pics everywhere. Maybe back to

Mobile Sites

Mobile sites rock! I love using them on my desktop when screen realistate is at a premium. Like right now im using Wikipedia Mobile in a small window to the side while I have Google Docs open in another writing a short paper.

Damn its nice out, I wanna go on a road trip!

Damn its nice out, I wanna go on a road trip!

Its to nice to go to work :( atlest I sit inside and enjoy the sun :(

Its to nice to go to work 🙁 atlest I sit inside and enjoy the sun 🙁

Finally officially poped the question. <3 you so much Miss. B, soon to be Mrs. P

Finally officially poped the question. <3 you so much Miss. B, soon to be Mrs. P

About damn time, it should be easy to have a javascript lib that automatically validates the input. Just do var i = document.getElementsByTagName(‘input’) for (var k in i) { if (i[k].type = ‘number’) {…..

HTML5 Forms Are Coming –

Testing twitter posting from tumblr

And hoping that it doesn’t get reposted on tumblr

Wow, I have so much to learn about both PHP and Javascript…

Multi File Uploader